Operator in VBA

Operator in VBA

In Computer Programming An operator is a symbol that can be used to perform specific operations and generate the final result.

There are four type Operator in VBA

  1. Arithmetic Operators
  2. String Operators
  3. Comparison Operators
  4. Logical Operators

1. Arithmetic Operators in VBA

These are the operators that use at the time of mathematical processes like addition, multiplication, etc.

Below are the arithmetic operators.

ModModulus (it gives Remainder as a result)

Arithmetic Operators in VBA Video in Hindi

Difference between Division (/) and Modulus (Mod)

  • Division operator (/) divides numbers.
  • Example
  •  x = 33;
     y = 2;
     z = x / y;
Division and Modulus in MS Excel VBA
  • Modulus operator (%) divides numbers and return remainder as answer.
  • Example
  • x = 33;
    y = 2;
    z = x Mod y;

Example of Arithmetic Operator in VBA

Private Sub cmdBttnClick_Click()
    Dim num1 As Integer
    Dim num2 As Integer
    Dim ans As Double
    num1 = 33
    num2 = 2
    ans = num1 + num2
    MsgBox ("Addition = " & ans)
    ans = num1 - num2
    MsgBox ("Subtraction  = " & ans)
    ans = num1 * num2
    MsgBox ("Multiplication = " & ans)
    ans = num1 / num2 ' it will gives quotient
    MsgBox ("Division  = " & ans)
    ans = num1 Mod num2 ' it will gives remainder
    MsgBox ("Modulus  = " & ans)
End Sub

2. String Operators in VBA

In VBA there are mainly two kinds of string operator which are used to joint two different strings into one. String Operator in VBA is as under.

+Concatenates two Values if both values are string
&Concatenates two Values

The above operator joint both two string which is at the left and right side of them. But in case of “+” operator, at least one string value among both sides. If there is the numerical value at both side then “+” operator performs addition operation instead of Concatenation operation.

String Operators in VBA Video in Hindi

Example of Sting Operator or Concatenation in VBA

Private Sub cmdBttnClick_Click()
    Dim num1 As Integer
    Dim num2 As Integer
    Dim name As String
    Dim lastName As String
    Dim ans1 As String
    Dim ans2 As String
    Dim ans3 As String
    num1 = 5
    num2 = 3
    ans1 = num1 + num2  ' it will perform addition operation
    MsgBox ("Value in ans1 = " & ans1)
    name = "Johan"
    lastName = "Carter"
    ans2 = name + " " + lastName ' it will perform Concatenate operation
    MsgBox ("Value in ans2 = " & ans2)
    ans3 = name & " " & lastName ' it will perform Concatenate operation
    MsgBox ("Value in ans3 = " & ans3)
End Sub

3. Comparison Operators in VBA

When we want to make a decision on the base of comparison of two values at that time, we can use comparison operations. comparison operations are as under.

<>Not Equal
>Greater than
<Less than
>=Greater then or equal to
<=Less then or equal to

Comparison Operators in VBA Video in Hindi

Comparison operators compare two value and return answers in the form of TRUE or FALSE.  
Suppose there is two variable X and Y

X= 10 , Y = 10

OperationReturn ValueDescription
X = YTRUEBoth values are same
X <> YFALSEBoth are equal
X >= YTRUEX is grater than or equal to Y
X <= YTRUEX is less then or equal to Y

X= 15 , Y = 10

OperationReturn ValueDescription
X > YTRUEX is greater than Y
X < YFALSEX is less then Y

Example of Comparison Operators in VBA

Private Sub cmdBttnClick_Click()
    Dim X As Integer
    Dim Y As Integer
    Dim ans As Boolean
    X = 10
    Y = 10
    ans = (X = Y)
    MsgBox ("Operation of X=Y is : " & ans) ' True
    ans = (X <> Y)
    MsgBox ("Operation of X<>Y is : " & ans) 'False
    X = 15
    Y = 10
    ans = (X > Y)
    MsgBox ("Operation of X>Y is : " & ans) ' True
    ans = (X < Y)
    MsgBox ("Operation of X<Y is : " & ans) 'False
    X = 10
    Y = 10
    ans = (X >= Y)
    MsgBox ("Operation of X>=Y is : " & ans) ' True
    ans = (X <= Y)
    MsgBox ("Operation of X<=Y is : " & ans) ' True
End Sub

In the above example, light gray comments show its output.

4. Logical Operators in VBA

Logical operators will be used when we check more than two variables or to make decisions with more than one condition. Logical operations are as under.

ANDLogical AND: Logical AND: it returns TRUE only when all the condition are True
ORLogical OR: it returns TRUE only when at least one condition is True
NOTLogical NOT: It returns Opposite value, if conditions True then it returns FALSE, if the condition is false then it returns TRUE

Logical Operators in VBA Video in Hindi

Suppose there is three variable X, Y and Z
Value of X=11, Y=18 and Z=25

Now we want to check all the variable are greater than 10 or not

X=11, Y=18 and Z=25

OperationReturn ValueDescription
X>10 AND Y>10 AND Z>10TRUEAll value are greater than 10
X<12 OR Y<12 OR Z<12TRUEAny one of variable value is less then 12
NOT (X>10 AND Y>10 AND Z>10)FALSEAll value are not greater than 10

Example of Logical Operator in VBA

Private Sub cmdBttnClick_Click()
    Dim X As Integer
    Dim Y As Integer
    Dim Z As Integer
    Dim ans As Boolean
    X = 11
    Y = 18
    Z = 25
    ans = (X > 10 And Y > 10 And Z > 10)
    MsgBox ("Operation of X>10 And Y>10 And Z>10 is : " & ans) ' True
    ans = (X < 12 Or Y < 12 Or Z < 12)
    MsgBox ("Operation of X<12 OR Y<12 OR Z<12 is : " & ans) ' True
    ans = Not (X > 10 And Y > 10 And Z > 10)
    MsgBox ("Operation of Not(X > 10 And Y > 10 And Z > 10) is : " & ans) ' True
End Sub