MS Word-Date Problem In Mail Merge | Number is appearing instead of the date in mail merge | Hindi
MS Word-Date Problem In Mail Merge | Number is appearing instead of the date in mail merge | Hindi
मेईल मर्ज में date डिस्प्ले का प्रॉब्लेम | मेल मर्ज में तारीख की जगह नंबर दिखने प्रॉब्लेम कैसे हल करे | मेलिंग टेब | हिंदी ट्यूटोरियल
List of Date formatting with Example “dd-MM-yy” – 15-08-47 “dd-MM-yyyy” – 15-08-1947 “dd-MMMM-yyyy” – 15-August-1947 “dd-MMM-yyyy” – 15-Aug-1947
Hi, Welcome to Mr. Coding Website to learn something new. In this, we will learn how to solve the Date problems while using mail merge. Sometimes Number is appearing instead of the date in the mail merge. So it’s quite easy just to go through the video.