Drill Down | Drill Up in Pivot Table
Learn Drill Down and Drill Up in Pivot Tables. 🔄📊 also learn Expand, collapse and Hierarchy in Pivot table
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Learn Drill Down and Drill Up in Pivot Tables. 🔄📊 also learn Expand, collapse and Hierarchy in Pivot table
Apply Multiple Row Filters, Filter child items and Subitems, and Filter Group Items in Pivot Table. Easiest Way to Filter Parent-Child in Pivot Table
Unlock the full potential of Excel’s Pivot Tables with our comprehensive guide on data sorting! 🔄 With the help of this tutorial one can find answers of below given questions.
How to Sort Data in a Pivot table?
learn “Index” in the pivot table. Using the Index one can get a picture of each value’s importance in its row and column context.
If all values in the pivot table were equal, each value would have an index of 1.
learn “Rank Smallest to Largest” and “Rank Largest to Smallest” in the pivot table. Using this Excel assigns rank according to value automatically.
Learn one of the most essential functions of Pivot Tables which are “Difference From” and “% Difference From”. This functions find the difference base on the selected field item.
Learn how to use the “% of Parent Total,” “% of Parent Column Total,” and “% of Parent Row Total”.
the “% Of” feature allows you to express values as a percentage of another value within the table.
Distinct Count in Pivot Tables using the Data Model Option and how to use it effectively.
Learn about the Layout & Print Tab in Field Settings of Row Label, How to set the Subtotal at the top of each group? etc…